
Worksheet Collections

This group contains all sorts of worksheets which contain nouns. Take your Chinese vocabulary to the next level with all of these worksheet collections.


Learn to write 12 household appliances with these 210 printable PDF worksheets.

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烤箱 oven 炉台 stove 电冰箱 refrigerator 洗碗机 dishwasher 洗衣机 washing machine 干衣机 clothes dryer 微波炉 microwave oven 深冷柜 deep freezer 冷气机 air conditioner 电饭锅 rice cooker 热水器 water heater 烤面包机 toaster

Bathroom Fixtures

Learn to write 11 words related to bathroom fixtures with these 200 printable PDF worksheets.

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马桶 toilet 淋浴 shower 浴缸 tub 浴帘 shower curtain 浴垫 bath mats 镜子 mirror 药柜 medicine cabinet 洗手盆 sink 废纸篓 wastebasket 体重计 scale 水龙头 faucet

Bathroom Objects

Learn to write 13 words for things found in a bathroom with these 208 printable PDF worksheets.

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牙刷 toothbrush 牙膏 toothpaste 牙线 dental floss 香皂 soap 梳子 comb 发刷 hairbrush 剃刀 razor 彩妆 make-up 漱口水 mouthwash 洗发精 shampoo 润发乳 conditioner 吹风机 hair dryer 除臭剂 deodorant


Learn to write 15 bedroom vocabulary words with these 204 printable PDF worksheets.

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bed 闹钟 alarm clock 毯子 blanket 窗帘 curtain 台灯 table lamp 床垫 mattress 镜子 mirror 枕套 pillowcase 枕头 pillow 地毯 carpet, rug 衣柜 wardrobe 床单 bed sheet 海报 poster 壁纸 wallpaper 床头柜 nightstand

Chinese Holidays

Learn to write 14 different Chinese holidays and festivals with these 216 printable PDF worksheets.

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元旦 New Year 春节 Chinese New Year 七夕 Double Seven Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 中和节 Zhonghe Festival 清明节 Qingming Festival 劳动节 Labour Day 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 清明节 Tomb-Sweeping Day 中元节 Ghost Festival 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival 国庆节 National Day 重阳节 Chongyang Festival 六一儿童节 Children's Day

Clothing (Set 1)

Learn to write 12 clothing items with these 200 printable PDF worksheets.

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裙子 skirt 衬衫 shirt 裤子 pants 毛衣 sweater 夹克 jacket 领带 tie 袜子 socks 鞋子 shoes 恤衫 t-shirt 女衬衫 blouse 牛仔裤 jeans 连衣裙 dress

Clothing (Set 2)

Learn to write 12 clothing items with these 198 printable PDF worksheets.

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短裤 shorts 外套 coat 帽子 hat 雨衣 raincoat 手套 gloves 睡衣 pajamas 浴衣 bathrobe 拖鞋 slippers 凉鞋 sandals 靴子 boots 太阳镜 sunglasses 运动鞋 athletic/sports shoes


Learn to write 14 words related to cosmetics and makeup with these 210 printable PDF worksheets.

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腮红 blush 眉笔 eyebrow pencil 眼影 eyeshadow 粉底 foundation 唇彩 lip gloss 粉饼 pressed powder 口红 lipstick 散粉 loose powder 眼线笔 eyeliner 化妆刷 makeup brush 睫毛膏 mascara 润肤霜 moisturizer 指甲油 nail polish 洗甲水 nail polish remover

Demonstrative & Interrogative Pronouns

Learn to write 7 demonstrative and interrogative pronouns with these 176 printable PDF worksheets.

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this that who, whom how, which 这些 these 那些 those 什么 what


Learn to write 16 geography related words with these 200 printable PDF worksheets.

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hill mountain valley lake island river island bay 森林 forest 池塘 pond 沙漠 desert 丛林 jungle 海洋 ocean 瀑布 waterfall 雨林 rainforest 海滩 beach

HSK 2 Nouns (Set 1)

Learn to write 11 different HSK 2 nouns with these 188 printable PDF worksheets.

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boat, ship order, sequence number, day of month class, lesson, course road, path door ticket surname snow medicine, drug fish

HSK 2 Nouns (Set 2)

Learn to write 10 different HSK 2 nouns with these 194 printable PDF worksheets.

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报纸 newspaper 房间 room 公斤 kilogram 公司 company 鸡蛋 (chicken) egg 教室 classroom 咖啡 coffee 考试 exam 牛奶 cow milk 身体 body, health

HSK 2 Nouns (Set 3)

Learn to write 10 different HSK 2 nouns with these 188 printable PDF worksheets.

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direction smile 休息 rest 生日 birthday 时间 time, period 事情 thing, affair, matter 手表 wrist watch 手机 mobile phone 问题 problem, question 西瓜 watermelon

HSK 2 Nouns (Set 4)

Learn to write 10 different HSK 2 nouns with these 198 printable PDF worksheets.

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dividend 旅游 trip, journey 小时 hour 眼睛 eye 颜色 colour 羊肉 mutton 意思 meaning, opinion, idea 自行车 bicycle, bike 服务员 waiter, service personnel 公共汽车 bus

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 1)

Learn to write 10 HSK 3 nouns with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

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ability, talent angle, corner, horn autumn, fall bag, package band, belt, area, region bird bowl chief, head class, team, squad cloud

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 10)

Learn to write 10 HSK 3 nouns with these 194 printable PDF worksheets.

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爬山 hiking 历史 history 爱好 hobby, interest 节日 holiday, festival 作业 homework, task 宾馆 hotel 影响 effect, influence 检查 inspection 兴趣 interest 厨房 kitchen

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 11)

Learn to write 11 HSK 3 nouns with these 194 printable PDF worksheets.

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水平 level, standard 经理 manager, director 地图 map 结婚 marriage, wedding 数学 mathematics 会议 meeting, conference 菜单 menu 办法 method, way, means 月亮 moon 音乐 music 声音 voice, sound

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 12)

Learn to write 11 HSK 3 nouns with these 194 printable PDF worksheets.

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需要 needs 邻居 neighbor 新闻 news 面条 noodles 鼻子 nose 机会 opportunity, chance 熊猫 panda 公园 park 护照 passport 铅笔 pencil 附近 vicinity

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 13)

Learn to write 11 HSK 3 nouns with these 194 printable PDF worksheets.

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表演 performance 照片 photo, picture 打算 plan, intention 节目 program, item 地方 region, place, location 关系 relationship, relation 复习 revision 成绩 score, achievement, grades 季节 season, period 句子 sentence 叔叔 uncle

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 14)

Learn to write 11 HSK 3 nouns with these 194 printable PDF worksheets.

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衬衫 shirt, blouse 裙子 skirt 体育 sports 故事 story, tale 街道 street 地铁 subway 太阳 sun 超市 supermarket 结束 termination, end 盘子 tray, plate, dish 裤子 trousers, pants

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 15)

Learn to write 10 HSK 3 nouns with these 200 printable PDF worksheets.

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周末 weekend 词语 word, expression 世界 world 照相机 camera 图书馆 library 普通话 Mandarin 办公室 office, bureau 行李箱 suitcase 洗手间 toilet 电子邮件 email

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 2)

Learn to write 10 HSK 3 nouns with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

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使 envoy, messenger face flower foot grass, straw handle lamp, light layer, floor leg letter, trust

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 3)

Learn to write 10 HSK 3 nouns with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

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horse minute, point mountain pass, barrier mouth pole position, place, seat pain rice river picture, painting

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 4)

Learn to write 10 HSK 3 nouns with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

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picture, portrait shoe species, race, breed speech, lecture spring station, stop storied building strip, clause sugar, sweets, candy summer

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 5)

Learn to write 10 HSK 3 nouns with these 188 printable PDF worksheets.

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tree umbrella winter 作用 action, function, impact, effect 空调 air conditioning 动物 animal 阿姨 aunt 香蕉 banana 银行 bank (for money) 根据 basis, foundation

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 6)

Learn to write 10 HSK 3 nouns with these 194 printable PDF worksheets.

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啤酒 beer 黑板 blackboard 面包 bread 蛋糕 cake 变化 change, variation 选择 choice, option 筷子 chopsticks 城市 city, town 同事 colleague 感冒 common cold

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 7)

Learn to write 10 HSK 3 nouns with these 194 printable PDF worksheets.

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比赛 competition, match 关心 concern 国家 country, state, nation 文化 culture 决定 decision 要求 demand, requirement 字典 dictionary, character book 司机 driver 耳朵 ear 电梯 elevator

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 8)

Learn to write 10 HSK 3 nouns with these 194 printable PDF worksheets.

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热情 enthusiasm, passion 环境 environment, surroundings 练习 exercise, practice 眼镜 eyeglasses 冰箱 fridge, icebox 果汁 fruit juice 游戏 game, play 花园 garden 礼物 gift, present 年级 grade, year

HSK 3 Nouns (Set 9)

Learn to write 10 HSK 3 nouns with these 194 printable PDF worksheets.

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爷爷 grandfather (paternal grandfather) 奶奶 grandmother (paternal grandmother) 葡萄 grape 努力 great effort 客人 guest, customer, visitor 习惯 habit, usual practice, custom 头发 hair (on the head) 帽子 hat, cap 校长 headmaster, president (university) 健康 health


Learn to write 16 different kinds of musical instruments with these 214 printable PDF worksheets.

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drums 长笛 flute 吉他 guitar 口琴 harmonica 竖琴 harp 风琴 organ 钢琴 piano 直笛 recorder 铃鼓 tambourine 小号 trumpet 大号 tuba 木琴 xylophone 手风琴 accordion 大提琴 cello 萨克斯 saxophone 小提琴 violin

Natural Disasters

Learn to write 13 natural disasters and weather events with these 210 printable PDF worksheets.

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地震 earthquake 飓风 hurricane 台风 typhoon 海啸 tsunami 洪水 flood 干旱 drought 山崩 landslide 雪崩 avalanche 暴风雪 blizzard 龙卷风 tornado 泥石流 mudslide 火山爆发 volcanic eruption 森林大火 forest fire


Learn to write 12 different terms related to space and the universe with these 200 printable PDF worksheets.

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星系 galaxy 星星 star 行星 planet 月球 moon 彗星 comet 卫星 satellite 幽浮 U.F.O. 星座 constellation 银河 Milky Way 小行星 asteroid 太空站 The Space Station 宇航员 astronaut

The Solar System

Learn to write 12 different planets, the sun and moon with these 200 printable PDF worksheets.

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太阳 sun 月球 moon 行星 planet 水星 Mercury 金星 Venus 地球 Earth 火星 Mars 木星 Jupiter 土星 Saturn 天王星 Uranus 海王星 Neptune 冥王星 Pluto

Tools (Set 1)

Learn to write 10 different kinds of tools with these 194 printable PDF worksheets.

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hammer 斧子 axe 电钻 drill 钉子 nail 钳子 pliers 锯子 saw 螺丝 screw 扳钳 wrench 水平仪 level 螺丝刀 screwdriver


Learn to write 16 terms related to transportation with these 220 printable PDF worksheets.

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boat 公车 bus 汽车 car 飞机 airplane 帆船 sailboat 火车 train 卡车 truck 救护车 ambulance 脚踏车 bicycle (Taiwan) 自行车 bicycle (China) 直升机 helicopter 机踏车 scooter, moped 助力车 motorcycle 计程车 taxi (Taiwan) 出租车 taxi (China) 箱型车 van

Types of Flowers (Set 1)

Learn to write 10 types of flowers with these 200 printable PDF worksheets.

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菊花 chrysanthemum 雏菊 daisy 兰花 orchid 水仙花 daffodil 万寿菊 marigold 康乃馨 carnation 栀子花 gardenia 百合花 lily 三色堇 pansy 矮牵牛 petunia

Types of Flowers (Set 2)

Learn to write 9 types of flowers with these 194 printable PDF worksheets.

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牡丹 peony 玫瑰 rose 木槿 hibiscus 向日葵 sunflower 郁金香 tulip 天竺葵 geranium 紫罗兰 violet 一品红 poinsettia 茉莉花 jasmine

Types of Movies

Learn to write 10 different types of movies with these 200 printable PDF worksheets.

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剧情片 drama 喜剧片 comedy 西部片 western 悬疑片 mystery 动画片 cartoon 记录片 documentary 动作片 action 战争片 war 恐怖片 horror 科幻片 science fiction

Types of Music

Learn to write 11 different types of music with these 204 printable PDF worksheets.

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古典 classical 流行 pop 摇滚 rock 蓝调 blues 嘻哈 hip hop 雷鬼 reggae 爵士乐 jazz 乡村音乐 country music 民间音乐 folk music 饶舌音乐 rap music 福音音乐 gospel music

Types of Trees

Learn to write 12 types of trees with these 200 printable PDF worksheets.

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茱萸 dogwood 木兰 magnolia 榆树 elm 白桦 birch 枫树 maple 橡树 oak 松树 pine 红木 redwood 垂柳 weeping willow 雪松 cedar 樱桃树 cherry 棕榈树 palm

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