
100 Most Common Radicals

This group contains 10 collections, each containing 10 of the 100 most common Chinese radicals. This is a great place to start for beginners!

100 Common Radicals (1-10)

Learn to write 10 of the 100 most common Chinese radicals with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

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one, once, a (article) (#1)
lid, head (#8)
person, man, people (#9)
child, son (#10)
eight (#12)
cover (#14)
ice (#15)
how much, how many, several, a few (#16)
knife, blade (#18)
power, force, strength (#19)

100 Common Radicals (11-20)

Learn to write 10 of the 100 most common Chinese radicals with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

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wrap, embrace (#20)
spoon, dagger (#21)
ten (#24)
seal, kneeling person (#26)
cliff (#27)
private (#28)
(once) again, also, both (#29)
mouth (#30)
enclosure (#31)
earth, soil, land, local (#32)

100 Common Radicals (21-30)

Learn to write 10 of the 100 most common Chinese radicals with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

Preview image of 100 Common Radicals (21-30) worksheet collection
scholar, warrior (#33)
go slowly (#35)
sunset, evening (#36)
big, large, great (#37)
woman, female (#38)
son, child, seed (#39)
roof (#40)
inch (length), a little bit (#41)
small (#42)
corpse (#44)

100 Common Radicals (31-40)

Learn to write 10 of the 100 most common Chinese radicals with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

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mountain, hill, peak (#46)
work, skill (#48)
piece of cloth, towel, kerchief (#50)
to concern, shield (#51)
sloping roof, wide, spread (#53)
bow (weapon) (#57)
step (#60)
heart, mind (#61)
dagger-axe (#62)
household, door, family, bank account (#63)

100 Common Radicals (41-50)

Learn to write 10 of the 100 most common Chinese radicals with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

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to strike
square, direction, side
sun, day, date, time
moon, month
tree, wood
yawn, to lack, owe
to stop, prohibit, only

100 Common Radicals (51-60)

Learn to write 10 of the 100 most common Chinese radicals with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

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white, snowy, pure, bright, empty
skin, leather, fur

100 Common Radicals (61-70)

Learn to write 10 of the 100 most common Chinese radicals with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

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eye, item, section
spirit, to show, ancestor
hole, cave
to stand, to set up
(husked) rice, meter

100 Common Radicals (71-80)

Learn to write 10 of the 100 most common Chinese radicals with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

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net, network
blunt, straightforward, tough, chewy
worm, insect

100 Common Radicals (81-90)

Learn to write 10 of the 100 most common Chinese radicals with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

Preview image of 100 Common Radicals (81-90) worksheet collection
see, meet, appear to be (#147)
speech (#149)
shell, money (#154)
to walk, to go, to move (#156)
foot, enough, ample (#157)
car, vehicle, machine (#159)
bitter, hot, suffering (#160)
walk (#162)
hill, dam (left) / place, town (right) (#163)
wine vessel (#164)

100 Common Radicals (91-100)

Learn to write 10 of the 100 most common Chinese radicals with these 184 printable PDF worksheets.

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Chinese mile (~.5 km), neighborhood (#166)
gold, metal, money (#167)
door, opening, gate (#169)
short-tailed bird (#172)
rain (#173)
blue or green, young (#174)
page, leaf (#181)
eat, food (#184)
horse (#187)
bird (#196)